Wautoma Area School District
Approved 07/27/87
Revised 07/13/95
1. Each school year, after October 31, the building administrator or his/her designee shall
compile a list of free and reduced price meal recipient families in their respective building and list the following information:
a. Name and address of qualifying family.
b. Names of all household members.
c. Social Security number of all adult household members or an indication that an adult has no social security number.
d. Total household income.
2. Recipient families whose eligibility will be verified shall be selected free of any discrimination per Board Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.
3. The number of approved applications will be totaled and three percent (3%)of this total will be computed to determine the number of verifications to be completed each year.
4. All of the approved applications will be put in a numerical order and a random selection process will be used to select the three percent (3%) to be verified.
5. Selected households will be notified via letter. They shall also receive a sheet of verification documentation information to aid them and form letters they may use to receive verification from selected officials.
6. If a selected household refuses to cooperate with the request for documentation to expedite verification of income, eligibility will be terminated.
7. Households given notice of termination have ten (10) days to appeal the termination to the District Administrator. The termination notice shall include details regarding appeal.
8. Each year, the Food Service Supervisor shall complete a record file showing the following information:
a. A summary of the verification efforts.
b. The total number of applications on file on October 31.
c. The percentage or number of applications verified.
9. Records shall be retained for three (3) years following the close of the fiscal year ending on
June 30. The building administrator or his/her designee shall maintain, in addition to the items listed in G above, the following information:
a. How applications were selected.
b. How applications were verified.
c. The date(s) notices were sent.
d. Notes on any contacts made.
e. The results of verification.
f. The reasons for any denial or change of eligibility.
g. The signature of the verifying official confirming that verification records are accurate.
Cross Reference: Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities