Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/14/02

All students enrolled in the Wautoma Area School District shall have the opportunity to participate in the school lunch and milk program. The District Administrator or his/her designee shall administer these programs in accordance with established local, State, and federal guidelines.

It shall be the purpose of the Food Service Program to provide nourishing, well-balanced meals at moderate prices and in pleasant surroundings. If a child has a disability, as determined by a doctor, and the disability prevents the child from eating the regular school meal, the school will make substitutions as prescribed by the doctor with no additional charge. The program will also contribute to the social education of the child by providing an opportunity to practice good table manners.

Food service employees operate under the direction of the building principal and may be assigned special tasks by the principal. The Food Service Supervisor shall supervise menu planning, the technical operations of the cafeteria and kitchen, and the performance and evaluation of food service employees, in addition to the technical aspects of the food service programs in the schools.

The Board shall establish individual lunch and milk prices annually. In accordance with federal guidelines, the District shall offer free and reduced price food service to qualifying students.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.13, 120.10(16), 120.13(6), 120.13(10)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI-9
Cross Reference: Policy 761 Rule-Verification of Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility, 411-Equal Educational