Wautoma Area School District
Approved 09/19/2005
Reviewed 01/23/2006

The District will provide two late bus routes as a service to those students involved in after-school-related activities, with the exception of students serving detention. A minimum of five students is needed to justify running either route. Drop-off points will be evaluated and revised as needed so total route time will remain approximately one hour.

1. Students must sign up with the school office by 1 p.m. on the day they will ride the bus.
2. If the student is not on the sign-up sheet, that student will not be able to ride the bus, no exceptions.
3. If the bus does not have enough students to run, the school office prior to the end of the day, will notify students. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their parent/guardian.
4. The student listing will be forwarded to the Bus Garage prior to the route start time.

1. After-School Program Students
a. As student signs in for the program, they will be asked if they intend to ride the late bus and the list will be checked for their names.
b. After-school staff members may add students to the list if warranted.
c. If the bus does not have enough students to run, the school office prior to the end of the day, will notify students and the parent/guardian.
2. All Other Students
a. Students must sign up with the school office daily by 1:00 p.m.
b. If the student is not on the sign-up sheet, that student will not be able to ride the bus, no exceptions.
c. If the bus does not have enough students to run, the school office prior to the end of the day, will notify students and the parent/guardian.
3. Student lists will be forwarded to the Bus Garage prior to the route start time.
a. Should the list be revised, that list will be given to the driver when the bus arrives at Parkside

1. On a bi-weekly basis parents would complete a Late Bus Sign-Up form providing the following information
a. Date that their child would be riding the bus.
b. The Drop Off point where their child should get off the bus.
c. Current contact information.
2. If a child will not be riding the late bus on a date intended the parent must notify the Riverview
Extended Day Coordinator or designee no later than 3:00 p.m.
3. The parent/guardian assumes complete responsibility for meeting their child at the designated drop-off point.
a. In the event that a Riverview student is not met at the bus, the driver will have the student remain on the bus and contact the After-School Site Coordinator or designee.
b. The After-School Site Coordinator or designee will then contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the need to pick their student up at Riverview School.
c. Late bus service may be denied to any Riverview student whose parent fails to meet their student at the drop-off point two times.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.13, 120.10(16), 120.13(6), 120.13(10)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI-9.03(1)
Cross Reference: 761-Free and Reduced Price Meals


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/14/02

All students enrolled in the Wautoma Area School District shall have the opportunity to participate in the school lunch and milk program. The District Administrator or his/her designee shall administer these programs in accordance with established local, State, and federal guidelines.

It shall be the purpose of the Food Service Program to provide nourishing, well-balanced meals at moderate prices and in pleasant surroundings. If a child has a disability, as determined by a doctor, and the disability prevents the child from eating the regular school meal, the school will make substitutions as prescribed by the doctor with no additional charge. The program will also contribute to the social education of the child by providing an opportunity to practice good table manners.

Food service employees operate under the direction of the building principal and may be assigned special tasks by the principal. The Food Service Supervisor shall supervise menu planning, the technical operations of the cafeteria and kitchen, and the performance and evaluation of food service employees, in addition to the technical aspects of the food service programs in the schools.

The Board shall establish individual lunch and milk prices annually. In accordance with federal guidelines, the District shall offer free and reduced price food service to qualifying students.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.13, 120.10(16), 120.13(6), 120.13(10)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI-9
Cross Reference: Policy 761 Rule-Verification of Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility, 411-Equal Educational


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/14/02

It shall be the policy of the Wautoma Area School District that all students deemed eligible under the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines receive meals free or at a reduced price. There shall be absolutely no differentiation in the treatment of these students, which may indicate the student is receiving a free or reduced price meal.

This policy is cross-referenced with Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 07/27/87
Revised 07/13/95

1. Each school year, after October 31, the building administrator or his/her designee shall
compile a list of free and reduced price meal recipient families in their respective building and list the following information:
a. Name and address of qualifying family.
b. Names of all household members.
c. Social Security number of all adult household members or an indication that an adult has no social security number.
d. Total household income.
2. Recipient families whose eligibility will be verified shall be selected free of any discrimination per Board Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.
3. The number of approved applications will be totaled and three percent (3%)of this total will be computed to determine the number of verifications to be completed each year.
4. All of the approved applications will be put in a numerical order and a random selection process will be used to select the three percent (3%) to be verified.
5. Selected households will be notified via letter. They shall also receive a sheet of verification documentation information to aid them and form letters they may use to receive verification from selected officials.
6. If a selected household refuses to cooperate with the request for documentation to expedite verification of income, eligibility will be terminated.
7. Households given notice of termination have ten (10) days to appeal the termination to the District Administrator. The termination notice shall include details regarding appeal.
8. Each year, the Food Service Supervisor shall complete a record file showing the following information:
a. A summary of the verification efforts.
b. The total number of applications on file on October 31.
c. The percentage or number of applications verified.
9. Records shall be retained for three (3) years following the close of the fiscal year ending on
June 30. The building administrator or his/her designee shall maintain, in addition to the items listed in G above, the following information:
a. How applications were selected.
b. How applications were verified.
c. The date(s) notices were sent.
d. Notes on any contacts made.
e. The results of verification.
f. The reasons for any denial or change of eligibility.
g. The signature of the verifying official confirming that verification records are accurate.
Cross Reference: Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 04/15/99

The Internet allows anyone connected to disseminate information, statements, or gossip to millions of people in seconds. The Wautoma Area School District has an obligation to provide a work/school environment free of discrimination and harassment. Because libel and slander are rampant on the Internet, and because defamatory statements sent by employees could be attributed to the Wautoma Area School District, the following guidelines are established for the employee use of school district owned computers.

1. All computer hardware and software are educational tools owned by the school district.
2. Electronic mail (email) is provided for use by employees for efficient and timely communication.
3. All email addresses are the property of the Wautoma Area School District and are issued to employees while they are under contract with the Wautoma Area School District.
4. All electronic information on school district owned computers may be accessed and
monitored without prior notice. This information includes, but is not limited to:
a. email.
b. computer files.
c. records of web sites accessed.
d. records of newsgroup activities.
5. Users of the school district e-mail system and computer system have no rights to personal privacy in connection with their use of the system
6. No employee shall use district owned computers to view or send materials and email that contain defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, pornographic or harassing statements, jokes, or illustrations.
7. No employee shall use District owned computers to transmit materials or email in violation of any law, including copyright laws.
8. No employee shall use District owned computers to send or receive email with the purpose of conducting any illegal activity.
9. No employee shall use school District owned computers to transmit private, personal, or confidential information about the Wautoma Area School District, its students, or its staff without prior authorization.
10. Any employee who violates any item of this policy will be disciplined.
11. Any employee who uses school district owned computers for threatening, intimidating, abusive, or harassing messages will be reported to police under Wisconsin Statute 947.0125.
12. District liability protection will not be provided to any employee who knowingly violates any provision of this policy.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin Statutes Section 947.0125
Cross Reference: Policy 742.1 Exhibit-Employee Internet, Email and Computer Acceptable Use Agreement


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 04/15/99

As an employee of the Wautoma Area School District, I have read, and I understand and consent to the provisions of the Employee Internet, Email and Computer Acceptable Use Policy.

I understand that this agreement will be in effect as long as I am an employee of the Wautoma Area School District.

Employee’s Name
Employee’s Signature


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/12/1982
Revised 03/14/2002; 01-29/2004

The Board of Education of the Wautoma Area School District being charged with the responsibility of the protection of all school district property resolves to do so through the medium of purchasing liability insurance at a reasonable price and on a negotiated basis, in sound companies from reputable independent agents, and/or through the State Insurance Fund; except in those cases where sound judgment dictates that the district bear its own risks.

-- It further resolves to carry out a continuous program of fire and accident prevention and safety engineering, in order to protect the lives of our school population and to preserve the real and personal property of the school district.
-- The Board charges the District Administrator with the responsibility for carrying out the adopted policies of the Board in relation to the liability insurance program, and grants him/her authority to act for the Board in performing necessary duties as outlined hereinafter.
-- The Board further resolves that all the insurance shall be written in such a way as to give maximum protection at a minimum cost.

A. Functions of the Board of Education
1. Determine the District Administrator’s responsibilities and duties in connection with the liability insurance program.
2. Determine types of coverage, including basic forms and limits.
3. Determine appraisal policy.
4. Determine policy regarding settlement claims.
5. Appoint an agent of record, if desired.
6. Establish criteria for the selection of insurance companies and allocation of commissions to qualified participating agents.
B. Duties and Responsibilities of the District Administrator with Regard to Insurance
1. Act as liaison officer between the Board, the agent of record, and/or the agent.
2. Represent the Board in negotiations on all claims, sign proofs of loss, and settle claims in accordance with Board policy and authority.
3. Implement Board’s policies on coverage and appraisal.
4. Be responsible for liability insurance and property record keeping.
5. Have responsibility for seeking technical advice on fire and safety engineering during preliminary planning on buildings.
C. Determination of Appraisal Policy
1. The Board directs that the existing appraisal of school district property be brought up to date and that thereafter, periodic appraisals be made as necessary either by competent, independent appraisers, or other satisfactory means.
D. Property Control
1. The Board directs that a current and complete record be maintained of all school property and equipment.
E. Policy in Regard to Settlement of Claims
1. The District Administrator is authorized to settle all claims up to $5,000. He/she shall keep the Board fully informed of all action taken. The Board shall approve settlement of all claims exceeding $5,000 and shall confirm settlement of claims up to $5,000.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §66.18, 120.12(6)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/81
Revised 03/14/02

The Board of Education shall carry a policy of public liability and property damage insurance issued by an insurance carrier authorized to transact business in Wisconsin in the amounts as follows:

1. Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for injury, including death, to one person.
2. Five million ($5,000,000) for injury, including death, to all persons injured in any one accident,
3. Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for damage to property of any person, other than the insured.
4. Uninsured motorist’s insurance at one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000).

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.10(7), 121.53


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/13/75

It shall be the policy of the Board of Education that before any project is undertaken for the purpose of repair, replacement, or expansion; the contractor (an employer other than the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education who has employees other than him/herself on Wautoma Area School District property) shall have on file with the District a certificate of insurance showing that each employee is covered by workman’s compensation while on District property.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §102.07